Friday, June 17, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge - Day 10

A day late but here it is, day 10 of the White Peach photography challenge. I had so many ideas for memories but trying to find things to photography wasn't happening. Then I found this right under my nose, my own childhood love that I have imposed on my daughter.

I had SO MANY Barbie dolls as a girl. I remember being unimpressed if I didn't get a least two new ones a year (birthday and Christmas). Coming from a household of four girls there was bound to be Barbies, lots of Barbies. I remember one of my sisters had a thing for cutting off all our Barbies hair and there being lots and lots of tears over these moments.

It wasn't until I actually looked at how many Barbies Jaybug has I started to wonder whether it was her thing or mine? I have insisted on buying them for Christmas and her birthdays as this was what I always wanted as a girl. Maybe I need to stop and see if she asks for more or whether it has just been a projection of my own childhood memories.

Although there did seem to be lots of fun had once I pulled out the Barbies for there photo shoot.....

Joining in here for day 10. I'm off to see what everyone else has for childhood memories too.


  1. Jess, why did we never play Barbies together when I lived in Taranaki? It would have been, like, so fun! :D I always get an overwhelming urge to play when I see Barbies...and how cute is Squeak dressed up as Spiderman?!

  2. This is a great photo. I really like the composition.
